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Showing posts with the label attitude

Why We Love Judith, the Bible heroine (And You Should, Too!)

There are moments when we give God deadlines for a prayer request or try to assume we understand how God operates. Times when we make promises thinking with our human strength, we could fulfil them.

What you need to know about the condition - Cerebral Palsy.

I recently visited a center with a group of friends, and this gave me insight into this post. I became more aware of the great blessing our muscles are to us. Without the muscles, a lot of things we take for granted will be a big deal. Looking at the beautiful kids who could neither stand nor feed themselves. Something as tiny as batting the eyelashes was hard and no control over their movements. Cerebral palsy (pronounced seh-ree-brel pawl-zee) commonly referred to as CP, is a condition where body movement and muscle coordination are greatly affected. It occurs while the child's brain is in development.

How Positive Self Talk Makes You Better.

Fast forward to the moment where you can retain happiness despite the situation or counter some wrong thought almost immediately. That's the future we want to dive into now! Every situation in life would be simple or hard depending on your mind set; we may not change some events but can control our reactions. The negative thoughts are super easy and convenient to create; there you have the blame game, self-pity, guilt or thought that a circumstance is punishment for past sins. The positive thoughts take a little step from your comfort zone to create, usually seem hard initially but have a lasting effect. That's where positive self-talk comes in , amongst all other forms of retaining happiness and sanity. This, maybe a simpler form but it's easier said than done.

How To Walk in Heels as a beginner.

Source So if you're a beginner like me ; ) fake it till you feel it crew! Yaaayyyy.... This post is for us (Still learning).   We keep asking - How am I supposed to walk in heels? Can I learn how to walk in high heels? Or is it just something some people can do and others can’t. For our  DIY  section, we'll explore possible ways of being comfortable and confident on heels.  I recently started wearing heels and jeez, it is a lot but hey it's cool, to increase a tiny bit in height, lol!

How to develop that new attitude with the 30 day challenge.

We all know small sustainable changes are more likely to stick compared to larger changes. Everything is evolving, people are more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Not all weaknesses can be improved, but we could make conscious efforts to change some. This will greatly affect our relationship with ourselves and others. The 30 day challenge is where you set short goals of things you would like to change about yourself. It works, trust me : ) Think about the habit you would like to add or subtract and practice it for 30 days.  You could see more examples of the 30 day challenge from Forbes  here  . Also, Matt Cutt in his TED talk, emphasized the great importance of the 30 days challenge.

On Spirituality.

Hi everyone, Relatively my first post on the blog, listening to "waiting here for you" by Jesus culture. His grace is forever around us. Have you ever been in a corner, a dark one, where confusion is the order of the day and the afflictions seem endless. I personally just learnt about God's rest. He says stop and turn back to me, abandon all the unrest and turn to me. Letting go is usually hard but trusting in his will, every confusion will be settled. It's a gradual process to find inner peace.

About Me

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Hello, I'm Doris. I would be glad to share my view of most Lifestyle topics to enable the modern woman to glide through life with ease. Amazing, right?