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Why We Love Judith, the Bible heroine (And You Should, Too!)

There are moments when we give God deadlines for a prayer request or try to assume we understand how God operates. Times when we make promises thinking with our human strength, we could fulfil them.

To live the peaceful, graceful life Christ has promised us, we have great models from the bible. For the modern day woman, we would look at the life of Judith, an Israelite widow here.
In chapter 8 : 11she confronted the elders with great confidence already established in God. She cautioned them never to make deadlines or a path in which their requests will be granted. Total surrender to God gives us the grace to ask for his help then step down for him to work at his own pace. This is usually the best thing for us.
Following this example, I believe Judith laid perfect principles for living.
  • Patience with God, allow him work marvels for you. The waiting period may not be easy but trust him and step down.
  • Faith, this is the strongest gift to live with. Judith's faith in God made her attractive to even pagans. That was grace without much work on her end.
  • Praised for her maturity and wisdom in Judgement. The period of wait is also for growth, he stretches us from our comfort zones to make us better people.
  • Let's not forget, she also overlooked her anger at the elders and worked with them for common good. Anger over petty things that hurt us is normal but prolonging it, defeats the major aim of getting a resolution. We could sidestep these issues and look for lasting solutions to build relationships.
Above all is prayer, Judith offered to pray for her people. Someone out there is saying a prayer for you. Say a prayer for the next person, everyone has a burden no matter how little and together we would watch God heal an entire race.
Ask God for his help and wait (please be patient) for him to rescue you (Judith 8:17).


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Hello, I'm Doris. I would be glad to share my view of most Lifestyle topics to enable the modern woman to glide through life with ease. Amazing, right?