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How To Walk in Heels as a beginner.

So if you're a beginner like me ; ) fake it till you feel it crew! Yaaayyyy.... This post is for us (Still learning).  

We keep asking - How am I supposed to walk in heels? Can I learn how to walk in high heels? Or is it just something some people can do and others can’t.

For our DIY section, we'll explore possible ways of being comfortable and confident on heels.  I recently started wearing heels and jeez, it is a lot but hey it's cool, to increase a tiny bit in height, lol!

Here's how to be a pro heel rockstar. (Just formed that sentence).
  •  First, the height of the heel should be considered. You can start off with kitten heels and gradually increase the height (Platforms ----> wedges ---> Pumps ---> Stilettos) as you become comfortable in them.    

  • The thicker the heel, the easier it is to walk on it. The thinner the heel, the harder it’ll be to maintain balance as a beginner. Learners have to take the steps slowly to avoid making a mess.We really want to be confident and balance is key : )
  • When wearing heels, put your heel down first, followed by your toe. (Heel toe, Heel toe, Heel toe) while placing one foot in front of the other. This will make your walk look more natural. In flats or sneakers, your full foot hits the ground more or less at the same time. 

  • Imagine a straight line going toward your end point, and walk according to the lines rather than staring down at your feet as you walk. Remember it's the fake it till we feel it Fam, we wouldn't want unnecessary stares when you look at your feet all day.
  •  Wearing heels makes your stride shorter than normal, so you’ll have to take an increased number of small steps to go the same distance. Not to worry, he'll wait while you walk like a queen...
  • Practice, then practice some more - Nobody was actually born to wear heels, some just start really early while some, a little later. You can walk around the house few minutes or hours before leaving to get relaxed on it.
  • Take time to sit, pleasssse there's no shame in taking a seat now and then. It'll give your feet a chance to rest so when you're up, you'll be able to walk comfortably.

They offer many benefits anyone can appreciate. Still, heels carry a bad reputation for causing injury after long-term use. Before you give up on them entirely, consider all the benefits of high-heel shoes and how you can tweak your lifestyle to help prevent bodily harm and have fun with them.

Works Leg Muscles.
The health benefit comes first : )
Depending on the heel height you choose, your calves must compensate for the changes and adjust to the shoes. As a result, the calves may tighten as you walk. Overtime, you may notice less fat in the calves and more muscle.

Taller Appearance.
We all need to appreciate our heights, no doubt about that. It's just for the fun of it, heels make you look taller while your legs look longer ; ) Since heels vary in height even a woman who is already tall can benefit from heels, even if they are a bit shorter.

Slimmer Physique.
When you wear tall shoes, your body shape responds by bending the back in form of an arch. Your backside may stick out while your chest presses forward. The contrast creates an illusion of a smaller waist.

Boosts Confidence.
This doesn't overrule the self confidence that we all MUST have, with or without shoes. Heels can positively alter your appearance, If you’re petite, heels can make you feel more authoritative, especially among a tall group. You will be confident knowing your shoes can carry you stylishly through your job, as well as casual after-hours events.

  • Regardless of what some people think, a woman shouldn't suffer to look good in heels. The high heels MUST be comfortable to wear.  
  • Don't force it - If they’re just not for you, then there’s no reason in the world to force yourself to wear them. It also goes without saying that if you have foot, leg or back issues, or any other kind of physical issue that would make heel-wearing difficult or dangerous, for the love of shoes, don’t wear them. Your feet are more important than any pair of shoes!

Annnnnnnd it's a wrap, strut the streets of [insert your location] and be graceful. 
If you found walking in heels difficult at first, but figured out how to do it: Let's know your method. 


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Hello, I'm Doris. I would be glad to share my view of most Lifestyle topics to enable the modern woman to glide through life with ease. Amazing, right?