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What you need to know about the condition - Cerebral Palsy.

I recently visited a center with a group of friends, and this gave me insight into this post. I became more aware of the great blessing our muscles are to us. Without the muscles, a lot of things we take for granted will be a big deal.
Looking at the beautiful kids who could neither stand nor feed themselves. Something as tiny as batting the eyelashes was hard and no control over their movements. Cerebral palsy (pronounced seh-ree-brel pawl-zee) commonly referred to as CP, is a condition where body movement and muscle coordination are greatly affected. It occurs while the child's brain is in development.

  Imagine trying to stabilize a biro on a surface, of course, it will keep falling off. These kids have no control over anything. It could affect the arms, legs, one limb, several or all, and even the face is not left out. The child loses the ability to control the muscles. 
  • Limbs are forced into painful, awkward positions.
  • Fluctuating muscle contractions will make limbs tremble and shake every second.
  • Seizures, vision or hearing loss...
So you see, it's a whole lot to deal with. Every case is unique, one person may have total paralysis or partial. Due to these manifestations, parents get scared or lose faith in handling these situations. 
The precise cause is unknown at the moment. 
  • Research suggests, the majority of cases result from abnormal brain development (which may not be controlled). 
  • Brain injury before birth or during labor and delivery (a certain degree of control). Controlled by improved safety during delivery to prevent head injury.
  • Infections are also risk factors (large extent of control). Control by Immunization of the mother. Some babies do not display the signs till 6.5 - 9 months, and regular hospital checks are to detect the infections and treat them. 
  • Accidents, medical malpractice, negligence, Incompatible Rhesus factor, premature birth, breech birth, untreated newborn Jaundice.
Here's how we can manage the situation - Cerebral Palsy

At the moment, it has no cure but with the following, the child and the parents can have a wonderful life.
  • Knowledge - Ignorance of a condition increases the risk of the child. They need special care in the early stage before gaining control. I gained my first knowledge of the condition with the lovely lady who runs a center at Surulere, Lagos Nigeria here.
  • Therapy - I believe this is necessary to aid in developing the child. Physical and speech therapy amongst others.
  • Medications - Diazepam, Baclofen, and Botulinum toxin (please visit the doctor for medications).
  • Surgery - This is for kids with limbs in painful and awkward positions, the muscles could get lengthened and overactive nerves could be treated. 
  • Assistive technology - could help to maximize independence. E.g self-propelled wheelchairs. 
  • Caregivers - Specialized trained caregivers can assist in training the child in the formative years.
  • Support system - It works! Meet up with other parents with similar children, no need to be withdrawn and alone. Discuss, create fun activities, and encourage one another. This gives a great deal of hope to push forward, and even the kids make friends and gain a lot too : )
  • Love -I think this should be on this list, with the right amount of love and patience, the child will be happy and the condition greatly managed.
Phew! I could write so much on these but hey, why don't we read up on specialized articles and publications. Get informed! "Cerebral palsy is not a disease but a condition. One can achieve whatever he/she wants in life".
Remember, to take care of yourself. Find time to create balance, and rejuvenate to prevent stress. Our little darlings love the care even though they can't show it. Reinforce your ability to cope!
Love to all parents of Kids with CP. You are doing just fine : )


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