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How to Get Through Negative Emotions.

Thoughts or feelings that we have little or no control over, flash through the mind at odd moments especially the negative ones.

Trying to force them out will cause more harm than good, the major way to kill a negative emotion is to stop feeding it!

Feelings of Inadequacy, low self - esteem, confusion, constant strive for perfection, pride and a whole lot more.

We can get through these by -

1. Acknowledge it - Living in denial may result in buried emotions, once it gets full, it out pours.
In this case, eruption, becomes brutal. Some erupt in form of uncontrolled jealousy, moodiness, chaos in the mind, identity crisis.
Acknowledge these negative emotions, dwelling there shouldn't be an option either.

2. Work backwards to the source of the negative emotion - could be rejection, inability to get a particular goal fulfilled, learning disability, comparison, parental issues.
When this source has been identified, remind yourself constantly that you're not perfect and mistakes are part of the learning process.

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I found out recently that forgiveness, even when difficult, is a great remedy. Takes your mind off the guilt, forgive yourself, forgive your offender. God gives the gift of forgiveness, in most cases, it may not be achieved naturally 
[ A post on Forgiveness soon :) ]

In cases, where the source is not clear, begin from where you are... this brings us to the 3rd step.

3. Affirmations - we know there's a problem, most times, the battle or negative emotions goes on in the mind. 
Positive affirmations like ''I love myself'', ''I forgive XXX'',  ''I am beautiful'', ''God loves me'', ''The fact one person doesn't like me, shouldn't reduce my worth'' these said daily, consciously, could stimulate your subconscious, with little steps daily, your entire mind begins to believe the affirmations and changes your thought process.

With the positive affirmations daily, even when you feel great. The idea is to fill your mind with positive thoughts to replace the negative ones outrightly. Conscious efforts to let negative events go.

4. Recounting the event in your mind is a No No - I have learnt that every situation has its positive sides. The really ugly events, may just be there to boost your coping mechanism or to help you see people clearly. There is ALWAYS a positive side, depends on the angle you are working with.

Look for the Positive side and dwell there!

5. Distraction is good - Change your Focus. Distraction could be your career, a holiday, change of environment, kids, friends. Confide in someone really close, that could help with the process, on the other hand, avoid the triggers and toxic people/situations.

Don't get upset when things go wrong and beat yourself up with condemnation, everything is a process, try today, it doesn't work, keep trying, consistency is key.

Let Go of what lies behind and don't dwell there.

Stop feeding the negative thoughts, be vibrant against them.

All this is to avoid depression, we need more happy people to keep our world alive. Recognize this negative comments as they come, postive affirmations immediately, call on God as the thoughts rush in, God can make the transition smoother. 

Remain Blessed!


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Hello, I'm Doris. I would be glad to share my view of most Lifestyle topics to enable the modern woman to glide through life with ease. Amazing, right?